
Dr Cheong Wei Kuen
Physician and Gastroenterologist
MBBS (S'pore) 1983
M.Med (Int Med) S'pore 1988
MRCP (UK) 1988
FAMS (Gastroenterology) 1999
Dr Cheong Wei Kuen is a Consultant in Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Diseases and an Endoscopist since 1990. Previously with Singapore General Hospital Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, he entered private practice in Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre in 2000. He graduated amongst one of the top 6 in his medical class with a MBBS from the National University of Singapore in 1983 and was awarded the Mickie Prize for Surgery at the Final MBBS exam. In 1988 he obtained his Masters Degree in Internal Medicine and also became a Member of the Royal College of Physicians ( United Kingdom ). He was admitted as a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine ( Singapore ) in 1999. |
He chose to undergo advanced training in Toronto Canada from 1991-1992 , with special emphasis in the fields of Inflammatory Bowel Disease ( Crohn's Disease , Ulcerative Colitis ) , bowel failure ( short bowel syndrome , malabsorption), and Total Parenteral Nutrition ( TPN ). His work has seeded the establishment of specialist clinics for such diseases in SGH, in addition to overseeing, formalising and training the multidisciplinary team running the hospital wide TPN service of SGH from 1993-2000. He was awarded the Harry M Vars Research Award for a paper on TPN related osteoporosis , a piece of research work completed while he was overseas .

Time is the most critical element when seeking medical consultation.
The more complex and chronic the medical condition, the longer the time needed for evaluation and treatment.
Any delays or extensions in your stay will not only be inconvenient but will incur extra hotel charges
These tips will help you obtain maximal benefit from every consultation.
- Bring as much information from your previous investigations as possible, as comparisons with historical data is often useful
- If there are Xrays, bring them along. Reports will not be adequate
- If you are on long term medications, bring them along for the doctor to review
- While you may have undergone investigations overseas, some of these tests may need to be repeated, firstly for verification and secondly if they are not adequately current. It is therefore advisable to come for your appointment after an overnight fast ( no food from 10pm the night before, but plain water may be consumed ) as this will allow all tests to be performed on the same day, thus minimising delays
- Try to avoid straddling Singapore public holidays or weekends for your consultation. This will avoid unnecessary delays in investigations and results availability. While it is possible to perform all tests during public holidays and even Sunday, this will incur extra cost. Click here for a list of Singapore public holidays
- Request for a 9am appointment as this will allow maximum time for tests to be done and results to be available by the same day